Clare Egan
MSpecEd (Newcastle)
GCertEdStud (Newcastle)
BTeach(prim)/BA(Hons) (Newcastle)
The reading and writing tutor
About Me
My goal is to support each student to develop their literacy skills across the areas of spelling, reading and creative writing. Student confidence and academic achievement is linked to their individual literacy skills and success in learning builds a positive attitude and resilience skills. It is a joy to watch a student grow in their confidence and skills.
My teaching qualifications include a Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies (Sensory Disabilities) and Master of Special Education (General Special Education). My teaching experience includes the position of Head Teacher at Woodbury Autism Education and Research, and teaching proprietor of I Can Read – Erina.
Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow. Lawrence Clark Powell